Christine Yu has worked extensively in the field of anxiety, both as a researcher and a practitioner. She is currently entering her third year of doctoral studies in the Counselling Psychology program at UBC and was awarded a Four-Year Doctoral Fellowship for her studies. Her research focuses on improving knowledge translation through investigating parents’ experiences of seeking and accessing treatment for their children with anxiety.
Currently, Christine is working as a Registered Clinical Counsellor in private practice providing evidence-based treatment for anxiety to children, adolescents and their families. She continues to develop her clinical skills and is a graduate of the International OCD Foundation Pediatric Behaviour Therapy Training Institute.
In addition to working with families, Christine aims to increase awareness and promote mental health literacy in the community. She has presented numerous psychoeducational workshops on anxiety to parents, high-school students, educators and school counsellors throughout Western Canada. Christine joined Anxiety Canada’s Scientific Advisory Committee as a doctoral student member in January 2018.