We are excited to announce a collaboration between Anxiety Canada and TELUS Health MyCare™ that provides comprehensive and accessible mental health support to individuals across Canada.
Get Help NowDr. Lynn Miller is a Licensed Psychologist, Certified Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, and an Associate Professor Emeritus (retired) in the Education and Counseling Psychology and Special Education department at the University of British Columbia. Lynn has over 30 years of clinical experience in a variety of settings. A noted leader in mental health issues of school-aged children, Lynn was the President of the Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada from 2010-2014 and 2018-2019. She was a representative to Expert Round Table of BC Ministry of Child and Family Development on Mental Health and helped plan how mental health services are disseminated in BC, with anxiety identification and service delivery to children and youth as the lead program.
Her research team modified the evidence-based anxiety prevention curriculum (FRIENDS program) from its Australian form. In 2015, she received the mid-level career awarded by the American Psychological Association for contributions to children’s and adolescents’ mental health.