Welcome to Anxiety Canada’s STRIDES Summer 2017 Newsletter. Over the past couple of months, we’ve been gearing up for summer by providing presentations in the community for parents, teachers, as well as summer camp counsellors who are looking for anxiety management strategies for their camp participants. We’ve also been working on new Anxiety Canada programs and resources that I look forward to sharing with you very soon.
In May, we had the pleasure of supporting Mental Health Week by participating in three events throughout the week – VCC’s Mental Health Day, the Men’s Mental Health Summit, and Anxiety Canada was the charity of choice for the 3rd Annual Parker Art Salon Grand Opening Night. During Mental Health Week, we also featured one anxiety-related topic each day of the week and shared information, articles, and resources on the subject matter with our social media audiences. If you didn’t have a chance to read the posts in May, we’ve compiled some of the highlights in this newsletter.
As we enjoy the warmer weather over the summer, it’s important to remember that anxiety doesn’t just impact people in the fall and winter months, but can affect people in the summer months too. If there is someone who you think can benefit from Anxiety Canada’s resources, suggest that s/he follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube and visit anxietycanada.com. I hope you have a wonderful summer.
“Small steps can lead to big change.”
– Judith