You Can Make a Difference!
By donating to Anxiety Canada, you support mental health programs and resources that change lives!
It is more important than ever to expand our services and bring in-demand support to those who need help coping with anxiety and anxiety disorders. With your generosity, we can continue to provide our core services while investing in growing our programs and bringing them to more Canadians across the country.
Anxiety can be debilitating, but it doesn’t have to be. With your support, we can help people live the life they want and lessen the limitations that anxiety can impose. Our Leadership Giving program enables philanthropists to directly enhance our programs and services. Together, we can make real, sustainable change and help more Canadians get their lives back.
Giving Opportunities
Your Philanthropy
Are you passionate about mental health and want to give a gift that aligns with your personal interests and values? We will work with you or your fund advisor to direct your gift to a specific program that you care deeply about.
Multi-Year Pledge Options
Committing to a multi-year gift allows us to provide life-changing services for now and for years to come. Multi-year pledges help us reduce administrative costs and provide a steady source of income for our programs.
Donor Recognition
Talk to us about how you would like to be recognized for your generous gift.
If you would like to make a leadership gift or have any questions, please contact Melissa Woolfson.
Melissa Woolfson
Development Officer