These downloadable PDF resources for anxiety management are helpful “How To” guides for caregivers, parents and educators. There are also tools for self-help. Click and download to get started.
StratEgies to USE when facing acute stress reponse following traumatic situations (english & Ukrainian versions) |
Strategies for Emotional Traumas of War or Other Traumatic Situations | Стратегії, які слід використовувати під час миттєвої реакції на стрес до емоційних травм війни чи інших травмуючих ситуацій
Як розмовляти з дітьми та підлітками про війну Допомога дітям та підліткам зі стресом, пов’язаним із війною |
The CARDTM System (Comfort, Ask, Relax, Distract) provides groups of strategies that you can play to cope with stressful situations. Originally used to help reduce fear and pain from medical procedures, CARDTM can also be used in situations that cause fear or anxiety.
Find out more and download the CARDTM Toolkit for Educators, which also includes sections for healthcare professionals and parents here.
Balance your Thoughts is an anxiety-relief game that can help players escape thinking traps and transform worries into balanced thoughts in a fun and engaging way. Learn more about Balance Your Thoughts and download the digital files here.