Young people exploring digital free resources for anxiety

These downloadable PDF resources for anxiety management are helpful “How To” guides for caregivers, parents and educators. There are also tools for self-help. Click and download to get started.

StratEgies to USE when facing acute stress reponse following traumatic situations (english & Ukrainian versions)
Strategies for Emotional Traumas of War or Other Traumatic Situations

How to Talk to Children and Adolescents About War

Helping Children and Teens with War-Related Stress

Стратегії, які слід використовувати під час миттєвої реакції на стрес до емоційних травм війни чи інших травмуючих ситуацій

Як розмовляти з дітьми та підлітками про війну

Допомога дітям та підліткам зі стресом, пов’язаним із війною

Helpful “How To” Documents for Parents
Applied Tension Technique For Children or Teens Who Faint at the Sight of Blood or Needles

Building Distress Tolerance

How To Teach Your Child Calm Breathing

Helping Your Child Sleep Alone or Away from Home

How To Do Progressive Muscle Relaxation

How To Cope With Nightmares

Helping Your Child Overcome Perfectionism

Realistic Thinking

My Fear Thermometer

How To Address Test Anxiety

8 Parenting Strategies to Help Children Who Experience Needle Anxiety and Fear

How To Address Excessive Reassurance Seeking

What Am I Thinking?

Thoughts Affect Feelings Form

The STOP Plan Handout

Hopping Down the Worry Path

Realistic Thinking for Teens

Chester The Cat Feels Anxious! Identifying Anxiety in the Body

How Do I Feel Anxiety in My Body

What to do if you’re anxious or worried about coronavirus (COVID-19) (Punjabi)

Talking To Kids About COVID-19 (Punjabi)


Helpful “How To” Documents for Self-Help
Self-Help Strategies for GAD

Managing Your OCD at Home

Identifying and Supporting Students with OCD in Schools

Self-Help Strategies for Panic Disorder

Self-Help Strategies for PTSD

Self-Help Strategies for Social Anxiety

Managing Your Phobia

Applied Tension

Calm Breathing (Diaphragmatic Breathing)

Challenging Negative Thinking

Effective Communication – Improving Your Social Skills

Examples of Fear Ladders

Exposure Exercises for Panic Disorder

Facing Fears Form

Facing Fears – Exposure

Fear Ladder Form

Friends and Family Can Help

Guide For Goal Setting

Tips For Healthy Living

How To Effectively Manage Obsessions

How To Do Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Obsession Challenging Form

Obsession Interpretation Form

Obsessive Fear Monitoring Form

How To Overcome Perfectionism

How To Solve Daily Life Problems

Realistic Thinking Form

Realistic Thinking

How To Prevent A Relapse

Sleep Diary

Getting A Good Night’s Sleep

Thinking Traps

How To Tolerate Uncertainty

Unhelpful Interpretations of Obsessions

What is Anxiety?

What is CBT?

Worry Diary

How To Write A Worry Script

7 Strategies for Dealing with Needle Fear and Anxiety

The Overlap Between Anxiety and Eating Disorders


CARD graphic (Comfort, Ask, Relax, Distract)The CARDTM System (Comfort, Ask, Relax, Distract) provides groups of strategies that you can play to cope with stressful situations. Originally used to help reduce fear and pain from medical procedures, CARDTM can also be used in situations that cause fear or anxiety.


Find out more and download the CARDTM Toolkit for Educators, which also includes sections for healthcare professionals and parents here.

Balance your Thoughts is an anxiety-relief game that can help players escape thinking traps and transform worries into balanced thoughts in a fun and engaging way. Learn more about Balance Your Thoughts and download the digital files here.

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