Anita had a phobia of wasps and bees, and avoids going places where she thinks she might get stung. Hear more about Anita’s story!
Goal: Walk through a field where there might be wasps or bees
Situation | Fear Rating |
Walk through track field at school (where there are a lot of wasps and bees) | 10 |
Walk around track field at school (where there are a lot of wasps and bees) | 8 |
Look at a living wasp in a jar (get my boyfriend to catch one) | 7 |
Look at a dead wasp in a jar (get my boyfriend to help with this one) | 6 |
Watch YouTube videos of wasps feeding or building nests | 5 |
Look at pictures of wasps and bees | 4 |
Check out this video of Anita facing her fears.
*Anita also has a fear of needles and can build a separate fear ladder to face that fear!