PDF resources for individuals experiencing the traumas of war, like the one in Ukraine.
With war and other armed conflicts, like the war in Ukraine, ordinary citizens experience highly emotional and traumatic situations. These experiences include forced separation from loved ones, unplanned relocation, witnessing decimation of homes and communities, experiencing life-threatening food insecurity, serious injury, violence, threat of death, and witnessing death of loved ones.
In our three new resources in both English and Ukrainian, members of our Scientific Advisory Committee share strategies to cope with frightening, shocking, or life-threatening events. Please download and share the PDFs with anyone you think can benefit from coping strategies related to war or other traumatic situations.
Find on our Free Downloadable PDF Resources page or below.
Thank you to our Scientific Committee members, Drs. Gordon Asmundson, Christiana Bratiotis, Daniel Chorney, Carmen Maclean, Lynn Miller, and Maureen Whittal for preparing these resources.
Special thanks to volunteer translators Victoria Datsko, Dana Koren Lupynis, and Maria Datsko.
StratEgies to USE when facing acute stress reponse following traumatic situations (english & Ukrainian versions) |
Strategies for Emotional Traumas of War or Other Traumatic Situations | Стратегії, які слід використовувати під час миттєвої реакції на стрес до емоційних травм війни чи інших травмуючих ситуацій
Як розмовляти з дітьми та підлітками про війну Допомога дітям та підліткам зі стресом, пов’язаним із війною |
PDFs (English) in blog format
Strategies for Emotional Traumas of War or Other Traumatic Situations
Read it here.
How to Talk to Children and Adolescents About War
Read it here.
Helping Children and Teens with War-Related Stress (and Other Traumatic Events)
Read it here.
Other Anxiety Canada resources you may find useful
- My Anxiety Plans (MAPs) – My Anxiety Plan is an anxiety management program based on cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), an evidence-based psychological treatment. MAPs for Children and Teens, Adults, and Educators are helpful for those with mild to moderate anxiety.
- Caretoons – Our new cartoons help pre-teens and teens recognize anxiety, cope, and seek support. Our entertaining, educational animated shorts address social anxiety, health anxiety, contamination OCD, separation anxiety, and more.